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Writing DNP Capstone Projects: Key Things You Should Know

Writing DNP Capstone Projects: Key Things You Should Know
Get Assistance with DNP Capstone Projects

Writing DNP capstone projects is one of the key challenges experienced by Ph.D. level nursing students. The projects are one of the primary requirements for successfully completing the Ph.D. level. We have received several requests from scholars from different universities such as Walden, Grand Canyon University, Johns Hopkins University, and California State University, among others to assist them with DNP capstone writing help. Therefore, we challenged an expert from our DNP capstone writing service to create a guide that can benefit scholars who may be experiencing challenges working on their projects.

What is a DNP Capstone Project?                                                                             

First, let’s get to the basics of a DNP capstone project. These are scholarly projects through which nursing students demonstrate their ability to translate knowledge into practice. The projects are supposed to show how problems in the nursing environment can be solved through implementation of evidence-based practice which has become a big deal in the nursing profession. Nurses are encouraged to adopt evidence-based practice by incorporating patient values, clinical expertise, and relevant research findings in care delivery. Students are at liberty to choose the area of practice to focus on while working on their projects. Luckily, the scholars have limitless choices owing to the wide breadth of the nursing practice. For instance, they can focus on topics such as diabetes management, discharge planning, patient monitoring, patient-provider communication, and pain management, among others.

DNP projects can exist in different forms including practice portfolios investigating the effects or outcomes of nursing practice, program evaluations, quality improvement projects, practice model evaluations, and consulting projects. These projects share a similarity in that they call for planning, implementation, and evaluation. As such, the key focus should be identifying an evidence-based practice that could be implemented in the nursing environment to improve patient outcomes and care delivery. For instance, one can assess how the implementation of team triage can be used to improve timeliness and patient flow in the emergency department. The key basic things to remember while working on a DNP capstone project include:

  • Identify a problem in the nursing environment
  • Identify an evidence-based practice for solving the problem
  • Implement the practice
  • Evaluate the outcomes

DNP projects or other forms of nursing capstone projects primarily test student’s expertise in reflective practice, expertise in area of interest, independent practice inquiry, the capability to assess, translate, and apply research evidence to improve care, organizational and systems leadership skills, as well as knowledge on advanced healthcare policy, ethics, and law. Now that you have the basics of what DNP capstone projects entail, let’s go through what should be done in each chapter. Commonly, the projects should have five key chapters: introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, and summary, conclusions, implications, and recommendations.

Writing Chapter One of a DNP Capstone Project

Chapter one lays the foundation for the entire capstone project. The chapter covers the background of the project by outlining how the issue being investigated has evolved over time. For instance, if you are focusing on antimicrobial resistance, you may want to present an argument indicating that patients have developed drug resistance against antibiotics over time. You should support your argument with statistics on antimicrobial resistance from reputable journal articles. The background section should inform the problem statement which subsequently informs the purpose statement. This shows that the sections of a DNP capstone project are related and should align accordingly.

The problem statement should focus on the specific practice problem being investigated in a particular healthcare setting. This means that scholars have to support their assertions with organization-specific data in order to bring out the practice-gap in a particular healthcare setting such as a hospital. For instance, while focusing on antimicrobial resistance, you may want to present organization-specific data on number of patients who are resistant to antibiotics. Another example is when focusing on patient discharge delays, you want to present hospital-specific data on number of delayed discharges. Additionally, if your focus is patient falls, you have to do the same by seeking patient fall data per 1000 days for the hospital where you seek to implement your quality improvement project. The problem statement of a DNP capstone project should also identify the population affected by the issue under investigation and how the project would contribute towards solving the problem. The key take-home points while working on the DNP problem statement are:

  • Provide organization-specific data supporting the existence of the problem under investigation.
  • Capture the population affected by the problem
  • Identify how the project solves the problem

If you need assistance with DNP capstone problem statement writing contact us via live chat or our email and we will advise on the best approach for developing the section.

The purpose statement should be a declarative proclamation of what the capstone project seeks to accomplish and should be a reflection of the problem statement. It should also capture the project design, population, variables (quantitative) or phenomenon (qualitative), and the geographic location where the project is to be implemented. For example, “The purpose of this quantitative, pre-test-post-test quality improvement project is to determine the effect of diabetes management education intervention on self-management knowledge in a medicine unit of a primary care hospital in Los Angeles, California.” The purpose statement is followed by the clinical question which should adopt the Population, Intervention, Comparison, Time (PICOT) format. For instance, based on the example above, the clinical question would be:

        Q1: Among diabetic patients in a medicine unit (P), would diabetes management education (I), compared with current practice (C), self-management knowledge (O), within a 3-month period (T)?

After the clinical question, you should outline how the project will advance the scientific knowledge in relation to topic under investigation. For instance, you can indicate how the study findings will close the existing knowledge gap. Additionally, you should identify the theoretical framework that would serve as the foundation of the project and outline how the capstone will advance the theory or model. This should be followed by a discussion on the significance of the capstone project in relation to practice. For instance, you can highlight how the project will advance the application of evidence-practice in clinical settings.

Specifying the Methodology and Design of a DNP Project

Chapter one also captures the methodology that would be used in the study. This means that DNP students have to determine whether their topic is suited by a quantitative or qualitative methodology and justify their choice using research methods literature. Quantitative methods are suitable when researchers want to establish the effect or impact of independent variables on dependent variables. Quantitative research methods are also adopted when determining the correlation or relationship between variables. On the other hand, qualitative methods are suitable in scenarios where DNP students seek to answer how or why questions. After identifying the research methods, you should identify the specific design that would be adopted in the DNP project under the nature of the project. For instance, a quantitative project may adopt quasi-experimental (pre-test and post-test) design. Qualitative projects can adopt generic qualitative design and phenomenology design among others.  The DNP student should then proceed to the definition of terms where you define the key terms used in the study.

Assumptions and Limitations in a DNP Capstone Project

Under this section, the DNP student should capture the theoretical, methodological, and topic-specific assumptions. The theoretical assumptions stem from the model or theoretical framework that is adopted in the project. For instance, if a project is based on Lewin’s 3-step model of organizational change one of the key assumption could be the implementation of the evidence-based practice would not be hampered by resistance from nurses and physicians in the clinical settings. The methodological assumption arise from the research methods adopted in a DNP project. For example, in case a student uses quantitative methods, s/he can assume that the project findings would be generalizable to other clinical settings. Topic-related assumptions are based on the variables under investigation. For example, when investigating whether discharge planning would improve patient discharge process, it would be okay to assume that discharge planning would reduce delays.

Limitations are the factors that may hamper the project, but the principal investigator has no control over them. Limitations may be associated with the research methods adopted in the project such as quantitative design. For instance, when a convenience sample is adopted in a DNP capstone project, it limits generalizability of the findings due to lack of randomization. Besides, in cases where quasi-experimental designs are adopted in such projects, they limit inferences regarding causality (such inferences are less definitive in quasi-experimental research). Additionally, quasi-experimental design reduces the internal validity and may create bias due to lack of a control group. Bias may also arise due to the influence of confounding variables which may have an effect on the dependent variable. Delimitations are aspects of the project over which the DNP student has control. For instance, confirmation bias can be overcome through measures such as discussing findings that support and disapprove one’s hypotheses rather than just focusing on those that support them. Importantly, the principal investigator working on their DNP capstone projects should provide explanations associated with each limitation or delimitations.

The last section of Chapter One of a DNP Capstone Project should summarize the chapter. Here, you should capture the key points in the chapter such as the background, the problem statement or practice gap, the purpose of the project, the methodology, and the limitations. The section should also provide a transition to chapter 2. The summary should further provide a preview of the rest of the chapters.

DPI/DNP Literature Review Writers

Writing a Literature Review for a DNP or DPI Capstone Project

The literature review chapter is the longest section in a DNP or DPI capstone project. The section is usually 30 pages long in DPI projects though it may vary in other versions of DNP projects. The chapter lays down the theoretical framework for such projects by reviewing previous findings on the chosen topic. The introduction section of the chapter should first highlight the background of the study, restate the problem statement, and outline how the literature review was conducted, and provide a preview of how the chapter is organized.

This should be followed by the theoretical foundation/framework or conceptual framework. Here, DNP students should look for theories which align with their projects. For instance, a quality improvement project could be guided by Lewin’s 3-Step Change Theory. The DNP student should indicate how the problem under investigation relates to the theory by using seminal sources. Additionally, the student should indicate how the theory relates with the clinical questions adopted in the project. The student should also capture how the theory has been applied in similar or other projects and how their project would advance the adopted theory or model.

The theoretical framework is followed by the review of the literature. Here, DNP students review, describe, and critique past studies on their topic. Students should make use of the following tips to produce stellar DNP/DPI project literature reviews:

  1. Use academic databases such as EBSCOhost, ProQuest, and Emerald to search for credible, peer-reviewed journal articles.
  2. Focus on articles published within the last 5 years to ensure relevance.
  3. Do not be overly descriptive, but also adopt a critical analysis approach by critiquing the research method adopted in the studies and highlighting their limitations and strengths.
  4. Ensure each section within the review of literature has an introductory paragraph explaining the importance of the sub-topic in relation to the DNP project.
  5. Ensure each section has a summary paragraph that compares the literature findings, captures the emerging themes and their relevance to the project.
  6. Eighty-five (85%) of the reviewed sources should be peer-reviewed journal articles.

The last section of the Literature Review of a DNP Project should be the summary. This section captures the important points in the literature and bring out the knowledge gap that would be address by the project.

Working on Chapter 3 Methodology of a DNP Capstone Project

This chapter outlines the research procedures used to implement a DNP project. The chapter captures the project methodology (either quantitative or qualitative), the project design, population and sample selection, instrumentation (quantitative projects) or sources of data (qualitative projects), validity, reliability, data collection procedures, data analysis procedures, ethical considerations, and limitations. The last segment summarizes the chapter. DNP students should consider the following tips when working on DNP methodology chapter:

  1. Justify your choice of research methods. For instance, indicate why qualitative or quantitative research methods are most suitable for your project.
  2. Use published data collection instruments. At the PhD level, students are discouraged from developing their own data collection tools.
  3. Use published studies to justify the validity and reliability of the data collection instruments.
  4. Outline the ethical research principles that would be adhered to during project implementation. For example, Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, informed consent, privacy and confidentiality, beneficence and non-maleficence.
  5. Outline and justify the limitations related to the methods, sample, instrumentation, data collection process and analysis.

Tips for Developing Results Chapters of a DNP Capstone Project

The purpose of the results chapter is to highlight the collected data, the data analysis procedures adopted, and the descriptive and inferential results. DNP students should open up the chapter by restating the problem statement, the methodology, the clinical questions, and what the chapter covers. This is followed by the descriptive data whereby one outlines the participants’ demographics such as number of subjects, gender, age, education level, employment, and nursing experience among others. The data can be presented using organizers such as graphs, tables, or charts. If you use tables, they should be formatted in APA.

The descriptive data is followed by a recap of the data analysis procedures: The section should cover the following:

•       A detailed description of the data analysis procedures.

•       An explanation of how the raw data relates to the clinical questions(s) asked in the project for a quantitative project.

•       Explain how data and findings were organized by chronology of phenomena, by themes and patterns, or by other approaches as deemed appropriate according for a qualitative project.

•       A discussion of the identification of sources of error and their effect on the data.

•       An explanation and justification of any differences in why the data analysis section does not match what was approved in Chapter 3 (if appropriate).

•       An analysis of the reliability and validity of the data in statistical terms, for quantitative projects.

•       A description of the approaches used to ensure validity and reliability, for qualitative projects.

The results section presents the inferential data. The section is the heart of the DNP capstone project as it shows how the collected data answers the clinical questions. It captures the results of the preferred statistical tests adopted in the project. For instance, the t-tests showing the results for the pre-test and post-test should be captured under the results section. The results can be presented using tables, graphs, and charts. In case, a DNP student is conducting a qualitative project, the results should be presented in the form of themes which should be arranged according to the adopted research questions. Thematic analysis focuses on the patterns that appear most from the collected data. The patterns are arranged into narrative form in relation to the research questions. The last section is the summary which presents a concise synopsis of the project results and a transition to chapter 5.

Chapter 5 of a DNP Capstone Project

The chapter should provide a comprehensive summary of the entire project report. It should highlight the importance of the topic and how the project contributes to the body of knowledge on the topic. The chapter should also capture the conclusions, implications, and recommendations arising from the project results. The key tips to consider while writing Chapter 5 of a DNP Capstone Project include:

  • Do not introduce new data or citations.
  • Emphasize the key, take home points from the project
  • Provide a comprehensive summary of the entire project
  • Summarize the findings and conclusions
  • Capture the theoretical, practical, and future implications.
  • Highlight the recommendations for future projects and recommendations for practice.

The next section of the DNP Capstone Report should be the references. The sources used in the report should be presented in alphabetical order. Follow APA guidelines while listing different types of sources such as books and journal articles. For instance, DOIs or download links should be included in the references for journal articles while book titles should be italicized. The last section of the report should present the appendices such as IRB approval, permission letter, and informed consent form. 

Sample of a Midterm Project: Marketing Plan for Samsung

midterm project writing helpMore often than not students are asked to come up with a midterm project by their course instructors to test how good they have understood the various concepts that have been taught in class. Coming up with an impressive midterm project report is not as easy as students would wish it was and this is precisely why most of them opt to look for professional writing assistance. We are happy to let you know that we are capable and ready to assist you in writing an A plus midterm project. All you have to do is to simply allow us to help you by contacting us. Below is a sample of a midterm project that can guide you in working on your own project. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need  clarification on any aspect of this sample or if you would like a step by step guide on how to come up with midterm project.

1.0 Executive Summary

Samsung is a South Korea leading electronics corporation. It has several assembly plants as well as sales networks in approximately 80 nations. The company has regional headquarters that are situated in the United States, Asia, Russia, South Africa, Brazil, United Arab Emirates and Europe. About half of its sales come from the pacific region. Samsung is operated under three independent business units including consumer electronics, information technology mobile communication as well as semiconductors. They have also been the leader globally when it comes to memory market (Priya,2015).

The paper focuses on developing an effective marketing plan for Samsung Company. The plan focuses on helping the company to effectively market its products globally. Its markets need to be based on demographics, such as income and lifestyle. Other demographics focused in the marketing plan entails segmentation of urban and rural customers. There are a number of market needs that the company is supposed to fulfill. For instance, the market demands products based on latest technologies and high performing products. The future market is likely to favor Samsung with more of their products being highly demanded. They will also be venturing into emerging markets that are not fully explored by the competitors. To facilitate market growth Samsung will focus on diversification and differentiation strategies.

Samsung has strengths in that it has brand reputation and their products are founded on innovative features.  Nevertheless, it has weakness in that some of their products contain features that are used by competitors. Their prices are also high and hence likely to lose customers to close competitors. The available opportunities are that they can produce distinct products for varying markets. They can as well concentrate on emerging markets and capitalize their market share. Nonetheless, they face threats from competitors and hence they are likely to lose market share. Some of the primary competitors of Samsung are Apple, LG, HTC and Nokia.  In regard to target market, Samsung focuses on young generation, professionals, high income earners and medium size companies.

2.0 Situation Analysis

2.1 Market Summary

Samsung electronics will focus on marketing its products worldwide depending on demographic as well as lifestyle aspects. Its products can be found in various regions, such as Middle East, Southwest Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, Korea and China. The company will be determined to remain ahead of close competitors within the electronic industry. It is, therefore, necessary to come up with fresh ideas to gain access other markets in different part of the world.

2.1.1 Market Demographics

Samsung’s market will be based on demographic, for example, they have been able to segment their markets into rural and urban customers. The markets will differ in terms of income, lifestyle and needs. Moreover, the company will conduct demographic segmentations aiming at varying age groups and income classes. Additional, individual lifestyle will also play considerable role in understanding the interest of customers. The market demographics will further focus on males and females aged between 13 and 60 years. The products will have varying features to suit different customers. The demographic markets also will focus on customers’ occupations, such as businessmen, students and employees.

2.1.2 Market Needs

Samsung Corporation will be required to ensure that various market needs are met. It is important for the company to analyze consumer needs concerning various products. The new products will be designed based on the consumer needs. In other words, the products will becustomized according to the customer expectations. The market needs entails products that satisfies tastes and preferences of the customers. Moreover, customers expect products that are developed using latest and advanced technologies. It is, therefore, necessary for the company to continuously advance their technology to fulfill the needs of their target consumers. The market also demands for better aesthetics. As a result, it is important for Samsung to invest in design of products that are appealing. The market further demands high performance and durable devices. It is necessary for the corporation to develop products that are durable and meets performance expectations of the customers.

2.1.3 Market Trends

The market for Samsung products, especially smartphones is promising.The future market is likely to witness tremendous growth in the next few years. The market growth is likely to be driven by venturing into market segments that are underserved. The products will further be competitively priced to give customers ideal value for their money. The market for Samsung’s products within emerging markets is likely to grow fast hence increasing their revenues. The smartphone market will further experience growth due to increased organization acceptance as the business class phones. In addition, the prices of Samsung products in overall are likely to go down. This might be as a result of low cost of production and fierce competition.

2.1.4 Market Growth

To enhance market growth Samsung will need to become more innovative. Being innovative will enable them to come with a product that meet and exceeds customers’ expectations. Acquisition of competitors can as well as serve as a market growth strategy. This also means that the company is able to tap into the acquired corporation’s existing consumer base. Diversification can further be used to realize market growth hence resulting to steady flow of income. A diversification strategy would open up fresh opportunities for Samsung by offering the target market with diverse products. The market growth will determine the future success of the company. Thus, it is necessary for the company to emphasis on the identified market growth strategies in the long run.

2.2 SWOT Analysis

It is vital to utilize SWOT analysis to facilitate mapping the Samsung’s environment. The approach is suitable in that it will facilitate exploration of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the company. The method will allow understanding if the corporation can be able to build their marketing strategy utilizing its strength. In addition, this would facilitate an understanding how the corporation can safeguard itself from potential threats.According to Ommani (2011), SWOT analysis serves as a framework for enabling organizations to prioritize business goals and design strategies for realizing them. As a result, Samsung would be able to come up with a strategy that has the potential to offset some of the weaknesses. Additionally, the corporation would be in a position to prevent threats. The identified opportunities would facilitate market growth.

2.2.1 Strengths

Samsung Corporation is among the market leaders in smartphone category. They have achieved this through innovation. Their products are based on innovative features that majority of the competitors lack. Additionally, the company has managed to set up production facilities across low cost nations. This in return enables it to develop various products at low production cost. This further allows them to sell the products at lower prices and at the same time make profits.Moreover, Samsung enjoys brand image globally within the electronic segment. They also have assets within the technology segment, technology patents as well as qualified employees who enable them to maintain their market position.

2.2.2 Weaknesses

            There are various weaknesses facing Samsung Corporation. For example, some of their smartphones have been criticized for containing features that are utilized by other firms. They have also been accused of infringing others firm’s patent hence adversely impacting their overall reputation. They are likely to be disadvantaged by their closer competitors if they fail to use a superior operating system. Besides, the company is producing a variety of new models of devices but their prices remains high when compared with their international and regional competitors.

2.2.3 Opportunities

            The corporation has an opportunity to produce a broad range of smartphones for varying markets. They can use their current reputation in terms of features, quality and performance to win new markets. They further have an opportunity to concentrate in developing nations, such as India to increase their market share. Additionally, have a chance to create their own worldwide mobile network to serve their customers. There are a lot of chances within software and electronic segments by exploiting innovative technologies to design innovative devices. Through this they will be able to solidify their global market position.

2.2.4 Threats

The company faces a number of threats from competitors. High competitions within laptops, tablets and smartphone segments are likely to continue creating threat to Samsung. Competitors are likely cut production prices hence selling at lower prices than Samsung. As a result, it would be challenging for them to sell their products within emerging markets. Furthermore, highavailability of substitute products is likely to impact their capability to raise prices. The customers are also likely to switch to other products. Rapid changes in technology also pose threat to Samsung. The company would, therefore, face high pressure to design and launch new products at high rate than their competitors. This would be challenging for the company when it wants to come up with innovative, successful and new products.

2.3 Competition

Just like any other electronic firm faces competition. Apple is the main competitor of Samsung within the international markets. Competition between Samsung and apple to some extent dictates mobile device markets. The competition between Apple and Samsung is concentrated on operating systems(Priya, 2015). Furthermore, Samsung faces competition from Sony and LG. LG has continued to pose technology based competition to Samsung. They are committed towards development of fresh technologies. Nevertheless, Samsung is more dominant when compared with LG.  In regard to smartphone segment, other competitors include Nokia and HTC.

To overcome threats posed by competitors, Samsung needs to come up with various strategies. It is important for the corporation to pursue differentiation strategy. This can be achieved by continuing to offer high-tech and high quality devices to distinguish them from the ones of competitors. For instance, there is need to have several exceptional features that can stand out from those of competitors. They further need to have a strong research and design team to ensure that the company is always way ahead of close competitors by fulfilling emerging market needs. This has a potential to boost their competitive advantage further.

The company also needs to consider a stronger positioning strategy. To achieve this, the company is supposed to focus on sales and marketing to ensure high quality chain system. They can consider more intensive marketing strategies to reach out their targeted markets globally. In addition, it is vital to exploit available market gaps. For example, it is important to try and serve more markets that are either underserved or are not served in anyway. This has an opportunity to increase their overall market share globally.

2.4 Macro-environment

The critical elements of the macro-environment entail political, legal, technological, economics and social cultural. Political is a key element when it comes to policy. This depends on stability as well as reliability of political institutions. This also determines economic activities of the environment(Gupta, 2013). The company is likely to face strong competition when engaging government of other nations. On the other hand, economic factor would determine the success of the corporation in different markets. Economically stable regions would present the company with an opportunity to raise their revenue. The company would also be able to create employment opportunities for the locals.

The corporation can take advantage of social factor aspect to endure in different market segments worldwide. The company needs to open research and design centers in diverse regions. This would allow them to work on strong opinion of customer expectations and demand. They can also benefit from local knowledge in relation to the products needed. It is further important for Samsung to alter its products to match customer preferences in different social cultural markets.Furthermore, as Samsung expands their products they are likely to face legal hurdles. For instance, some of the governments may restrict dumping of cheap products in their market. This is likely to have adverse impact on the business in terms of profit. Patent issues might also emerge in future causing legal tussles between Samsung and other firms. The technological factor is also a key consideration of the company.They need to continue driving innovation for a sustainable competitive advantage. They should, therefore, aim to remain way ahead of their customers when it comes to innovation and technology. They further need to be among the first to offer new products to the market.

2.5 Target Markets

The overall target market of Samsung will focus on e consumers that are likely to make purchase.Meyers (2010) stated that target market is normally based on the notion that individuals targeted possess evident affinity for the given brand.  Samsung will segment its target markets based on demographic variables and lifestyle. For example, Samsung will target young generation to take care of their ever-changing needs and expectations. This is because young generation has increasingly become advanced when it comes to technology. New applications will be developed to cater for the needs of young generation. The overalltarget marketwill include customers aged between 15 and 30. This will serve as means of enabling the company compete favorably against close competitors within the same market. In addition, the corporation will target individuals interested in leisure and music. To satisfy this segment the company will come with a number of new gadgets.

The next target market for Samsung will be rural and urban areas. The company will focus on meeting demands of rural and urban consumers since they have varying needs. For rural areas, the company will sell cheaper products to consumers. On the other hand, for urban areas the company will target consumers that are capable of purchasing some of the expensive products. As such, they are in a position to serve a number of customers. The corporation will also target upper middle class professionals. The next target market will encompass college students andgraduates who require portable as well as multifunctional devices. Medium size firms will also be part of the target marketto enable both staffs and managers to readily access relevant data. Higher earners and professionals will be part of Samsung’s target market. This forms a crucial part of the target since they are less sensitive when it comes to prices charged. This target market has proved to be valuable do to their spending capability. Abdullah-Al-Mamun&Robel (2014) stressed that high income results to less price sensitivity for goods and services.



Abdullah-Al-Mamun, M. K. R., &Robel, S. D. (2014). A critical review of consumers’ sensitivity to price: managerial and theoretical issues. Journal of International Business and Economics2(2), 01-09.

Gupta, A. (2013). Environmental and pest analysis: An approach to external business environment. Merit Research Journal of Art, Social Science and Humanities1(2), 13-17.

Meyers, Y. J. (2010). Target marketing and the product: categorizing products to understand the resulting marketing communication outcome measures. Journal of Management and Marketing Research5, 1.

Ommani, A. R. (2011). Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis for farming system businesses management: Case of wheat farmers of Shadervan District, Shoushtar Township, Iran. African journal of business management5(22), 9448.

Priya, O.(2015). Marketing strategies of Samsung in India.International Journal of Research in Humanities & Social Sciences, 3, (6), 46-52.

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How to Write a DNP OR DPI Capstone Project

It is a common practice for higher learning institutions all over the world to make it mandatory for students pursuing a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) to work on a DNP capstone project. A DNP capstone project is essentially a form of a scholarly work that proves that a student can apply the skills as well as knowledge learnt in school in a real world. Basically, when undertaking such a project, students are required to identify a research problem and utilize the research skills learnt in the DNP program in solving a public health problem. Stated differently, a DNP or DPI capstone project culminates doctoral studies in this field of specialization. Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that this type of assignment demands that students should contribute original knowledge to the field of nursing practice as well as solve a significant public health problem. Writing this type of academic work is a lengthy process that starts with brainstorming for a research problem and goes all the way to writing the final report of your research findings.


DNP Capstone Writers

The first step that is involved in writing a capstone project is identifying a research problem. This might sound straight forward but it is actually one of the DNP capstone writing stages that students find hard to handle. The research problem should be among other things come from an area where you are genuinely interested in or passionate about.  Your area of research should also be centered around your area of specialization.  This is because a doctorate student is expected to be an expert in his/her area of specialization and as such, it is only reasonable for such a student to conduct research in such an area so as to be updated on the current research and findings in that area.  This is to say that although there are limitless areas that DNP students can focus on, you should always limit your focus to your specific area of interest. It is from the research problem that you narrow down into a research topic that can be broken down into variables that can be measured.  As a rule of thumb, a DNP capstone project should include some elements of planning, implementation as well as evaluation of a given intervention in the field of healthcare.

The second stage of writing a DNP capstone project is reviewing the available relevant literature. The review of the available literature helps you to further refine your topic of study. It also helps you to be conversant with what have already been done in your area of study so that you don’t end up unnecessarily duplicating research.  This stage is quite crucial as it also assists you to know the various theories that you can use in your study. The available literature also forms the basis which you will use when analyzing the data and the available evidence.

The third step that is involved in writing a DNP capstone project is designing the methodology that you will use in conducting your study.  This is the stage when you clearly explain the research design that your study is going to adopt. In addition, you should discuss the data collection tools that you are going to us and how valid and reliable they are. Moreover, you must discuss the target as well as accessible population of your study. This is one of the most important stages in writing a DNP capstone since how reliable and valid your study shall be is to a great extent determined by how well you execute the various tasks involved in this step of writing.

Fourthly, you are required to analyze the collected data and use the available evidence to come up with practical solutions to a given health problem. This is actually the stage when you make a practical contribution in the field of nursing practice. It is however worth to keep it in mind that all the suggestions made should be based on the collected data and available evidence.  This is because making conclusions and recommendations that are not based on the data that you have collected and the available evidence amounts to falsification of data. It is worth to note that Falsification of data is one of the ethical issues in scholarly research that should be avoided at all costs.

Lastly, you should come up with a clear plan of how to implement the recommendations that you have suggested based on the results of your study. This is also an important stage of writing a DNP Capstone and sometimes it involves the various projects and programs implemented based on the given recommendations of your study.

It then follows that working a on capstone project is a systematic process that requires one to posses not only research skills but also critical thinking skills. Before embarking on this challenging yet academically fulfilling journey you should ask yourself a number of questions. Such questions include but not limited to; what is the focus of my project? How will my project demonstrate my expertise in my field of study? Is there available relevant literature that can serve as a basis for my DNP capstone project? Is my project capable of contributing new knowledge to the field of nursing practice and what is the practical problem in the field of nursing practice that my project will solve? Answering the aforementioned questions will help you know whether you really have a significant real world problem in the field of nursing that is worth solving using research and critical thinking.

DNP Capstone Project Writing Tips

Some of the tips on how to write a DNP capstone project include; avoiding plagiarism, editing and proofreading your final copy and being time conscious. You should also make sure that your final report is in the right format. Basically, a DNP nursing capstone project should have; an abstract, the introduction, statement of the problem, literature review, presentation of the data, analysis and discussion of the data and description of the various ways to solve the identified problem based on the collected data and available evidence.

Action Research on Employment Opportunities Template: Action Research Paper Help

Masters students who are looking for action research writing help can use the following template to work on action research papers that focus on employment opportunities in different fields. Students can also ask our experienced action research writers to help them work on the action research projects. We have assisted Masters students from Wilmington University to write their action research papers right from the introduction & methodology, the literature review & proposal, 1st iteration, and the final paper. Here is a sample of the template that we use when working on action research projects focusing on employment opportunities.


The introduction is usually one to two pages long; include a brief history/background of the organization or company and does not have a heading. In absents of a company (employment opportunities) you will want to add some background (research) support.

Discuss the circumstances of the situation that you plan to improve.  You may want to discuss, ‘what is wrong or deficient…and why you think making changes will result in improvements. Include why the improvement is of value to you (the stakeholder).


This section is usually two (2) to three (3) pages and is a research paper about (what is) Action Research (AR).  In Blackboard, I have listed a variety of resources, please feel free to use the ones provided, you will also need to select at least five (5) professional references to be included in your research.  Discuss AR, history, application uses etc…  Your last paragraph should include a transition describing how AR is an appropriate methodology for the research you are doing.

Literature Review

A literature review is a research paper about your topic. This section is usually three (3) to four (4) pages and should be as detailed and specific as possible.  You will find that specific examples may be difficult to find when doing Action Research, you will need to select at least eight (8) professional references to be included in your research.  In the following few pages I use the proposal…improving the ‘needs assessment’ process in organization XYZ as my project.  Specific data would include comparing other similar organizations that have restructured their ‘needs assessment’ process.   You will most likely find it difficult to locate literature on that specific process, so you will need to generalize the topic.  You may have to focus on the value of need assessments or processes associated with needs assessment, or how to conduct needs assessment.


This is where you provide a high-level overview of your project as laid out in iterations.

Do not try to layout your full plan at this point, keep this to one or two paragraphs for each iteration description.  At this point, you should focus on the big picture.

Hypothetical situation…

Let’s say your proposal deals with improving the ‘needs assessment’ process in organization XYZ.  You know the process is weak and requires improvement, but do not know what the weak points are or how to correct them.  You assume you will need the following iterations:

Iteration 1 will be a brainstorming session with representation from each of the three divisions; the discussion will include identifying requirements and communication flow.  At this point you can go into a little more detail but not too much…keep this statement to one or two paragraphs.  .

Iteration 2 will be a follow up session with each (one on one) of the three Division representatives to discuss the outcome of the brainstorming session and a more detailed discussion of their division’s requirements.  Again keep this to one or two paragraphs, I encourage you to focus on the big picture.

Iteration 3 will be a follow-up meeting with the three division representatives to discuss identified common requirements, possible integration of requirements, and discussion of how unique requirements will be managed at the division level.  The researcher will manage common and integrated requirements, and the appropriate division must manage unique requirements.  At the conclusion of this meeting, the division representatives will be tasked with formulating a solution for all unique requirements.

Iteration 4 will require the researcher to analyze the feedback concerning any/all of the unique requirements from each of the divisions.  Then, document a final process to collect ‘needs’ from each of the divisions,

Iteration 5 will be a final meeting to present the new process.  Copies of the new process will be provided to each division.

 Iteration 1 – Brainstorming


This section is at least 1 page long (usually longer), which describes all the planning that is required to accomplish your first iteration.  THE PLAN HAS TO BE WRITTEN BEFORE ANY ACTION TAKES PLACE!!!

You want to address all the typical questions Who, What, Where, When, and Why and How.   Who is invited, you may want to include qualifications etc…what topic will be discussed and what you intend to achieve…where, when and why is this meeting important.  Moreover, how do you intend on achieving the results.

If you develop an agenda for the meeting, either the agenda or the contents of the agenda would normally be included as part of the plan.

Suggestion: Take extra time in developing a detailed Plan, if you list five items in your plan, and then you carry those five elements into each activity for comments.  For example, in the Plan you say  ‘you plan on completing internet research’, then in the Action – you discuss the internet research, in the Outcomes – you list any specific outcomes or analysis resulting from the internet research, and then in the Reflections -you reflect on what you learned as a result of the internet research.  The plan sets the stage for the entire iteration.



This section is at least one page long.

The action should describe what actually took place at the brainstorming session…Who attended (and who did not) was the agenda followed, were there additional items for discussion added, or did the agenda take the meeting in a different direction.  In some instances, this may be very similar to the meeting minutes.


This section is at least one page long (or longer)..

Observation are the outcomes and analysis…in this instance, you may have a documented list of all the brainstorming results or latent feedback.  Additionally, you should include any analysis that would occur as a result of the brainstorming.  As with the other sections this is usually at least one page long, when you start adding outcomes documentation this section often increases to several pages.


This section is at least one page long.

From my perspective, this is the most important section of your paper…At this point you are looking at what went well, what went not so well, and what actions/processes could be improved.  This is where you critique yourself as well as the processes you are applying.  You also want to identify restrictions, limitations, and risks…For example, if one of the key participant was not available to attend the brainstorming session, you may want to think about how you will meet and gather information from that person (especially if the information is important to the process).

Iteration 2 – Division

Hypothetical example – one on one interview sessions

Iteration 2 will be a little different in this case.  If you remember, iteration 2 is individual meetings (one on one) with the division representatives. So you would probably approach iteration 2 as follows:

The Plan would address the – who, what, where, when, why, and how regarding all three of the divisions.  Since you would be interviewing three different division representatives – You write one plan but have three actions, three observations and possibly three reflections (or one reflection that addresses thoughts about each of the interviews).  So it may look like:

Plan – one page overall description of the division representatives (may want to include specific influence), anticipated questions or dialogue, as well as justification why…not to forget the schedule (where and when)

Action A, Interview with Division representative Ops   One page

Action B, Interview with Division representative Telecom   One page

Action C, Interview with Division representative HR   One page

Observation A – Outcomes of interview with Division Ops Representative, One page

Observation B – Outcomes of interview with Division Telecom Representative, One page

Observation C – Outcomes of interview with Division HR Representative, One page

Reflection – can include your perspective of all three meetings…good bad and how to improve, at least one page but may end up a little longer as a result of having three inputs.

Complete at least four iterations as per your proposal.

You end the research paper with a reflective statement that encompasses your complete experience.  Basically, a final overview of your activities and what you learned during the process.  Please include any specific achievements.

The action research templates differ based on whether the paper should focus on internship experience or a practical problem in an organization. Nevertheless, you can still hire qualified action research writers from Prolific Research Paper Writers so that they can work on your action research project.  We ensure that our clients’ papers are a 100% free of plagiarism and we strictly follow APA 6th Edition.

Apart from action research writing services, we also assist nursing students to write their DNP capstone projects  and nursing assignments. Besides, we help scholars to work on their Masters capstone projects at affordable prices. Kindly contact us if you need any help with your thesis, dissertation, or capstone project.


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